The Honorable Gregory Ballard
The Honorable Gregory Ballard

Session Details
Opening Plenary Session
May 20, 8:00am-10:00am
Closing Plenary Session
May 21, 12:00am-2:00pm
Gregory A. Ballard was elected the 48th Mayor of Indianapolis on November 6, 2007, and was re-elected to a second term on November 8, 2011.
As Mayor, he has tasked his administration with improving the level and efficiency of city services to residents, and to continue to grow Indianapolis as a destination for businesses and families.
For example, in 2010 Mayor Ballard launched RebuildIndy, an unprecedented $400 million+ initiative to rebuild deteriorating and long-neglected thoroughfares, residential streets, sidewalks, and bridges throughout Marion County. He has also become a national leader on issues such as energy, clean water, hunger and education reform.
Mayor Ballard’s leadership has helped to develop a more stable, affordable and pro-growth economic environment in Indianapolis. He has presided over four consecutive balanced budgets, and is proud of Indianapolis' AAA-debt rating.
Mayor Ballard was raised on the eastside of Indianapolis. After earning his undergraduate degree in economics from Indiana University, he entered the U.S. Marine Corps. During his time in the Marines, Mayor Ballard lived all around the U.S. and the world, including serving in the Persian Gulf War. Upon his retirement as a Lieutenant Colonel after 23 years of service, he was awarded the Legion of Merit.
Mayor Ballard resides in Pike Township with Winnie, his wife of 30 years. Their son, Greg, Jr. and daughter, Erica, are both graduates of Indiana University.